Wednesday, September 5, 2012

HIIT 15, Stretch 10 and Unboxing my Turbo Fire

I am going to go with a different approach today when explaining yesterday's "class."  I am going to let someone else explain it for me. 

 Here is a description of the class that I found on

Onward and forward! This workout in reality is about 16 minutes and 25 seconds. Give or take. The workout will basically consist of 3 HIITs. During these HIITs, you will work at 110% effort for approximately 30-40 seconds. Then you get to rest for the same approximate amount of time. For this workout be effective, you have to work as hard as possible during the HIITs. You can do it, it’s only 15 minutes right. At least that’s what I tell myself! At the end of the HIIT, you should be exhausted, you’re supposed to be. The best shape person in the world, should be exhausted, if you’re not, work harder!

So you begin with a quick warm up of about 2 minutes, and then Chalene Johnson walks you through the first HIIT at a slow pace. So you know exactly what’s coming. The HIITs are all athletic in nature and are plyometric. You jump a lot. Have a soft surface, carpet, a mat, and a comfortable pair of shoes. Now if the plyometric part scares you, don’t let it. There is someone working out next to Chalene that is doing the “low impact” version.
So after the walkthru, you will do the HIIT at a fast pace, as fast as you can move. Each HIIT should get better and better. Don’t try to pace yourself, leave nothing, and take everything you can from this workout.
After your HIITs, three of them, you get a 2 minute cool down.

Better then I could explain the video without spending all night perfecting it. So, basically there were 3 sets of HIITs, and you did each one 3 times with a small break in between them..

This video was short but intense, even with me following the low impact version of it. After each set of  the HIITs my heart rate would be in the high 170s. My intensity was a little lower on the last set of three, as the choreography was too quick and I had to keep stopping to watch... It went by very fast, and for only being 15 minutes long I got a damn good workout.  I burned 222 calories in 25 minutes by doing HIIT 15 and the 10 minute extended stretching class: Stretch 10. I was very pleased by this because on average I was burning around 170-180 doing Turbo Jam 20 Minute workout and there is no extended stretching in that!

My actual Turbo Fire package arrived via Fed Ex this morning  and I was super excited opening it! (How did I already start you ask? Once I ordered the set on Beachbody, and paid for my 2 day shipping, I looked up the schedule, and downloaded the 2 classes that I needed off the net.. ).

Here is the package just how it arrived:

Opening the box:

All the contents: The Starter Pack DVD, the normal set and the Advanced Classes.  The 30 lbs resistance band for the Tone and Sculpt classes, the thigh toner band, the guides and my Turbo Tracker. Oh, and another measuring tape like the one I received in my Turbo Jam set.

The Advanced Class Set: Will not get to experience these videos until Week 13-20!

It was pricey, but well worth it!! 

Had a minor NSV yesterday..    

 My mom and I have been going once a month/every 6 weeks to this church donation/giveaway thing that happens on Tuesday's here in town. It is like Goodwill, but you take what you need/want for free.  I don't like to take anything unless I give something in return, so yesterday I took down 2 stuffed trash bags of  my "fat" clothes, and  2 of just stuff to donate.  I let myself pick out 6 very nice almost new pairs of size 10 shorts that will make nice goal shorts and I can also probably wear next year even if I hit size 8 by that time (God I hope LOL). I also found two pairs on very nice capris in a size 12.. I figured maybe I could lose alittle more doing September, wear them for all of October and donate them back.  

I tried them on at my Mom's house for giggles, and I could zip them up, button them and sit down while wearing them. They were snug and I felt very self conscious wearing them, but I could if I really wanted to. My goal is to wear them (comfortably to the Loudonville Street Fair on Oct 2). 

I am also super excited because I hit 173.4 on the scale this morning... I was mad though because my cell phone was downstairs so I didn't get a picture. Thank goodness my Fitbit Aria scale uploaded it to my account so I can look at the pretty number that way.  That puts me at 37.3 pounds lost..   2.7lbs away from my 40 lbs lost mark, AND I am about 9 pounds away from hitting overweight according to the BMI charts. (and I can zip up and button a pair of size 12s!! Hehe).

Starting next week I will be semi-blogging about my husband Sam as well...   we ordered him Les Mills Pump and the Advanced Classes for that last night through Beachbody, so I will keep track of his progress as well.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Turbo Fire: Fire 30 and Stretch 10

This morning marked the start of my round of Turbo Fire and it was both awesome and intense at the same time. I figured that since I did so awful at blogging during my round of ChaLEAN Extreme (and my round of P90X too) I would try to start blogging the day of my workout.

Today's workout was the Turbo Fire: Fire 30 Class and Stretch 10 Class.  

When you first start the "class" you do a quick warm up which is about four minutes long, and reminded me of the warm up set in the Turbo Jam videos. The warm up set included some fast paced punching, squatting and kicking and managed to get my heart rate into the 150's by the end of the it. Like Turbo Jam, and ChaLEAN Extreme I am expecting it to be about the same for every video.

When you actually start the workout of portion of class it throws you right in with a series of jab/cross/hook/uppercut combos that really got the sweat pour and the calories burning. After each series/set of exercises you do a Fire Drill.  These Fire Drills were crazy intense, and brought my heart rate up to the maximum very quickly. It is so hard to explain a lot of the class since I am new to it, but I really wanted to just say that it was AWESOME.

I burned 422 calories in the 40 minutes of class time according to my heart rate monitor.  My heart rate reached a maximum of 187 during one of the Fire Drills so that tells you how intense it was.

Here is a 1 min video of snipes of the Fire 30 Class:

And now I am finished... short but sweet and better then nothing...

ChaLEAN Extreme Results

Well, I am officially finished with my round of ChaLEAN Extreme..  again I made it through 10 weeks (of 12) before staying screw it.  Only this time it was not due to injury, it was due to the fact that Lean Circuit wasn't doing it for me. The combination of weight lifting and balance or core moves made it too difficult and I spent most of my time either falling over or trying to keep my balance.  I will stick to P90X weight lifting until my balance and core strength improve.

Going to post the pictures, then a quick recap of this round and what I accomplished the past 10 weeks. 

So, during my round of ChaLEAN Extreme I lost -11.2 lbs, 3.5” off waist, 2” off hips, 1.5” off chest, .5” off each arm, 2” off each thigh, and .5" off each calf.  I see the progress in my before and after pictures except in my stomach area...  of course it figures that it will be the very last thing to go down.  

As of today I am down 36.8 pounds, and a ton of inches.  

Since I started CLX directly after a round of P90X I added an extra cardio day on one of the rest days every week. In the beginning most of the time I was doing incline intervals on our treadmill, but a few weeks into the program I bought Turbo Jam and started doing that. I think I may have already blogged about doing some TJ workouts, and once I think I even tried TF so giggles, but I will recap anyway.

Turbo Jam ended being something that I quickly fell in love with.  Cardio kickboxing with a little dance mixed in was just what I needed to burn a ton of calories and have a blast doing it. I had considered doing a full round of Turbo Jam after this CLX round but I had no problems completing any of the workout directly after  any of the CLX videos, so I decided that I needed something a little more intense. I settled on purchasing and doing a round of Turbo Fire since I loved Turbo Jam so much (although I did briefly consider Insanity but I have done the Pure Cardio workout a few times and it wreaks havoc on my Army knee injury, so  right now that is out of the questions).

I purchased both the standard edition of Turbo Fire:  ( ) and the Advanced Classes:  which means that a full round of Turbo Fire will end up being 20 weeks long for me.  I am super pumped up at doing Turbo Fire..  this is totally going to be my thing!